Exterior Basement Waterproofing
Exterior Basement Waterproofing
(833) 242-LEAKS (5325)
Exterior Basement Waterproofing Solutions
After evaluation by our inspection team the best solution may be to waterproof your basement from the exterior. This requires excavating the soil surrounding your foundation walls to the footings and installing a bituthene waterproof membrane. Again, we only use professional grade materials for this application, Henry’s self-adhering Blueskin.
Before beginning the project Ms Utility is contacted by the 20000 Leaks team to have the excavation area marked for any underground utility lines. As qualified foundation builders you can rest assured the stability of your foundation is in good hands. The depth of the excavation determines what heavy equipment will be necessary to perform the digging.
After the foundation walls are excavated they are cleaned and inspected for any flaws or cracks.These are patched and repaired before applying the Blue skin primer. Outside temperatures and foundation wall temperatures are critical in the application of both the primer and self-adhering membrane. The same day the primer is applied the self-adhering membrane is also installed on the walls and the footers to insure an impermeable waterproof barrier. Before backfilling the area, the membrane should be protected with a durable tear resistant drainboard, so the membrane is not damaged during the process. After the area is backfilled, the soil is then tamped by the 20000 Leaks team to firm the loose soil around the home’s foundation.
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